up on the watershed

Friday, December 08, 2006

don't drink the water

So after our water was turned off on Thursday afternoon, I said EFF THIS and went to go get a pedicure (and pee elsewhere). Our landlady was over bright and early on Friday morning and when I left at 8 to go shower at Heather and Josh's house, the plumber had just arrived. I guess it was an easier repair than they were expecting because when I came back just after noon, we had water again and she'd de-briefed Lauryn.

At any rate, this is what our front yard looked like when I got some sense and paid attention to the leak:

You can see how the presence of the hose totally thwarted me. I thought someone had just left it on (as is our neighbor and landlady's custom sometimes when watering the yard).

Here's a close up of the leak bubbling up from the ground:


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