up on the watershed

Friday, December 15, 2006

no pod for you

Aaron and I made an unsuccessful bid to get free iPod shuffles at 4:30 this morning. The new Safeway at Broadway and Campbell (the closest grocery store by our house) finally opened up after being ripped down in May and rebuilt. They were giving away 100 of them to the first, uh, 100 people at 8AM. But by the time we got there, there were far more than 100 people in line, it was damn cold and we decided to skip it.

Instead, we slept gloriously late on my first official day o' break. After we woke, we ran an errand to exchange his work pants for something that actually, you know, works and grabbed a hurried dinner at Quizmo's so he could get to work on time (didn't happen).

I came home to face the caramel again and this time, I won. Hooray! Lauryn and I wrapped 'em up and they are beautiful. I'll have to make another batch, I think, but these will cover me for now. I also made the spinach and artichoke dips for ze party and felt all domestic n' shit.


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